Hotel Samos

We love Mallorca

Hotel Samos is in a very special location between the Mediterranean sea and the Tramuntana mountains, surrounded by protected areas and nature reserves.

We love Mallorca and we’re doing our best to help look after the island through actions like reducing energy and water usage, minimising plastic waste, introducing reusable items and increasing recycling.

But we also need your help to care for Mallorca. Here are some little things you can do that will contribute to making a big difference.

Hotel Samos

Towels: Reuse them until you’d like fresh ones, when we’ll happily change them for you.

Hotel Samos

Water: Turn off taps (e.g. when brushing teeth), use the toilet’s short flush and take quick showers.

Hotel Samos

A/C and heating: Turn it off when you leave and close the terrace doors to maintain the room temperature.

Hotel Samos

Toiletries: Just ask at reception if you’d like your complimentary toiletry kit.